Sunday, September 9, 2012

Meemo's Kitchen

As you may have discovered, in much the same way I did, Google has removed my blog Meemo's Kitchen without any notice after five years of almost daily posting. They (Google) pulled several (mostly sandwich) recipes back in January and then again most of my recipes in late August. Two days later I received an email stating they have pulled the blog entirely, no explanation.

The recipes in question all had the same name as a well known party with several books on cloned restaurant recipes. This person has a reputation on many sites and forums as being an internet bully. I guess I should have given the recipes different names, but Red Robin California Chicken Burger may taste the same if it was named Chicken, Cheese and Guacamole Burger  it just wouldn't be as easily identified as a copycat or restaurant recipe.

I can't thank Meemo's many supporters enough. You have encouraged me to keep posting during times when I thought I just couldn't keep going working 10-12 hr days and posting each evening. The many supporters that took the time to post comments were always there with encouragement and support when I seemed to need it most. Thank you all.

I hope you will continue to support Meemo's Kitchen. Please keep watching for a new site. I may open another blog or possibly continue the slow process of creating Meemo's own site

For those of you who would like to be contacted when I have a site or new blog up and running please send me an email with MEEMO in the subject line and I will send an email with the new link when it's up and running. You can email me by clicking the icon on top of the right sidebar.

Thank you again for your support.

Pattie Kaykes


  1. That is terrible that your site is gone! I enjoyed it thoroughly & will miss it. My favorite recipe was the Macaroni Grill Lemon Passion Cake. I was wondering if you could re-post it or if I could get it somehow?Your site will be greatly missed.

    1. K9 Chef,

      I agree it is terrible Meemo's Kitchen is gone. I was devastated. I was going to put up a post only to not have a blog to post it too!

      I am working on a website (or maybe just going with another blog) and once that is up and running I will be re posting the recipes from Meemo's Kitchen. It has turned out to be a lot more work than expected.

      Just keep checking in here for updates on the progress or the link. In the mean time when I have a few extra minutes I will post the Lemon Passion Cake recipe here for you.

      Thank you for your support.

  2. Hi Pattie,

    Sorry to hear about your website being taken down. There are a lot of people out there who are really disappointed and are trying to find you! Anyway, would it be possible to list an email address? I wanted to be notified if you got the site back up, but I don't use the email program that comes up if I try the button on your page. If it is not possible, I'll just keep checking back. Loved your site and appreciate the time you put into the blog etc. I'm sorry you have gone through such a rough time.

    1. Anonymous,

      Thank you for your support. If you continue to check this site I will link the new site or blog when it's up and running. Please pass along to others that Meemo WILL be back.

      If I list an email address my email will be flooded with junk email from robots that search the internet for addresses. I will place it below but not exact, you will need to add the @ and . and remove the spaces.
      pattiekaykes (at) gmail (dot)com

      Thank you,
      Karyn (Pattie Kaykes)
